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Photographer Sil Azevedo bio



I was seven years old when I got my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic 133. It was Christmas of 1973. Since then, I have seen the world through the lens. It is my way of making sense, of visually dealing with the paradoxes and complexities of life.

In high school I spent each free minute at the feet of the Beseler enlarger, hypnotized by its magical light. Architecture school followed. The combination of composition, light, form and space, coupled with the demands of physics found in Architectural design have their parallel in photography.

I kept shooting, learning and apprenticing under inspiring artists. In time, my original passion became my profession. It has been almost 20 years since I walked into the pro shop and charged the Hasselblad to my credit card. Marveling at my naive optimism, the salesman exclaimed, "you're going to have to sell a lot of pictures..."  I did, and still do, but this is not what drives me. It is the unstoppable desire to relate to others and the world. To me, this is photography.